IFTTPB - explained

The If This Then Profanity Blocks (IFTTPB) is a useful tool to allow you to defined specific actions when certain events happen, or if a condition is true. We have the system in different modules that are for different use cases.

Here's a breakdown:


When a user joins your server you can use the Welcomer module to send a message to the system channel (usually if you configure this to be your welcome/info/new user channel), send the user a private message or message the server owner (that's probably you, reading this)

You can use a placeholder to insert the member's name to prettify it like so:

Use “{Member}”, for example “Welcome To The Server {Member}”

Auto Mod

Automod comes in more than one flavour. Free users have limited options to choose from. 

Free options include:

Event: if a message has profanity:

Then: DM The User Who Triggered The Event, DM The Server Owner, Send In The Channel, Kick The User, Ban The User

After (how many infractions): (how many times will you allow this)

in the last: X (time value)

Period specification: days/hours


This module allows you to specify limits for your users. This is particularly useful if you wish to the amount of emoji's, capital letters, mentions repeated words and more.


Add notes for cautions, tips or advice in this Text Data macro.


  • Page:
    Refund policy (Profanity Blocker Support)

    If you're unhappy with your subscription, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We're always here to help and would be happy to assist you with any issues you may be experiencing.

    If your issue cannot be resolved and you would like to request a refund, please note that refunds are only given once per server on your account.

  • Page:
    Voice Moderation - explained (Profanity Blocker Support)

    This pertains to an alpha feature. Read notes to know more

    The Profanity Blocker Discord bot can be instructed to listen to audio channels using /monitor_voice slash command.

    It will then transcribe and send the text to our filter backend. Offensive content will be posted about in the server's system channel.