Mattermost Plugin - FAQ

This pertains to a alpha feature


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What's the aim of this plugin?


As teams grow and communication increases, maintaining professional standards becomes crucial. Unmonitored Mattermost channels can lead to:

  • Risk Factors:
    • Inappropriate messages, offensive content, and unprofessional communication can create hostile work environments and compliance risks.
  • Compliance Requirements
    • Organizations in regulated industries must maintain strict communication standards and audit trails.
  • Professional Standards
    • External collaborations and client communications require consistent professionalism to maintain business relationships.
  • Global Teams
    • Multi-language teams need protection against cultural misunderstandings and inappropriate content across languages.


Is my data secure?


Data is encrypted in transit and at rest and deleted after 30 days, we only keep data for model training and false positive reporting, available in your Profanity Blocker Dashboard.

You can also check out our Privacy Policy. Rest assured, we operate our own models with no third-party (E.G. OpenAI).

If your organisation has strict policies, you may enquire with us about an on-premise deployment for complete data control


What version of Mattermost do you currently support


We've currently built and tested the Mattermost plugin for version 7.8 and up


What model do you recommend for use with the plugin?


We recommend using DeepSense filter. You can learn more about the filter here.

We recommend this because the web can have a lot of complex text , not necessarily in conversation format and can create more false positives (learn more about false positives and reporting here).